At Lazaderm we offer permanent hair reduction, it is important to know that there is no way to permanently remove hair forever but we offer options to reduce hair that most patients are very satisfied with. Laser hair reduction uses a Diode or Nd:Yag laser depending on the tone of your skin to selectively target the dark hair follicles. Heating the dark follicles with laser energy causes damage to the follicle so the hair does not grow back or the hair grows back finer and lighter. Patients achieve the best results with a series of five treatments but may need more to achieve desired results. Routine maintenance is necessary with permanent hair reduction and many patient return one time per year or one time every two years for a single re-treatment. We are able to use laser hair reduction to reduce hair all over the body including the face, chin and neck, arms, back, chest, abdomen and legs as well as the bikini region, Brazilian area and full genitalia. Overall, laser hair reduction has a very high patient satisfaction rate.