Causes/Etiology of Rosacea: unknown
Myths: It is caused by drinking alcohol or excessive sun exposure. Coffee and caffeine-containing liquids worsen rosacea.
Truths: Patients with rosacea should avoid hot liquids. Hair follicle mites Demodex folliculorum, are found in rosacea patients. It occurs most commonly after the age of 30 and can mimic or resemble acne.

Common Features: Redness, swelling, papules and pustules and tiny visible facial veins.
Fact: Rosacea is chronic, lasting for years with episodes of more active periods followed by some periods of improvement. It is most common on the forehead, cheeks, nose, and occasionally the eyes.
Primary features:
1) Flushing
2) Persistent facial redness
3) Papules or pustules that appear acne-like
4) Tiny facial veins (Telangiectasia)
Secondary Features:
1) Burning or stinging
2) Plaque (thickening of the skin)
3) Dry appearance
4) Edema
5) Eye and eyelid redness)
Other Features:
Phymatous changes- red, bulbous nose, skin changes
Treatment Options:
Oral antibiotics, or isotretinoin (Accutane), Topical Creams, Laser and Light-based therapies, Sunscreen
Consider: High-quality daily sunscreen with reapplication. Monitor for triggers such as: strenuous exercise, alcohol, hot beverages, and hot meals, spicy foods. Consider trying a specialized cosmetic to camouflage redness.
Options at Lazaderm:
High-quality sunscreens such as Elta MD, Color Science All Calm- Sunscreen plus a great way to calm and camouflage redness. Sciton BroadBand Light (BBL) and Cutera Laser Genesis can significantly decrease redness and help maintain symptoms over time. Alternative treatment options include compounded rosacea therapy options.